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Why fertilize your trees and shrubs?


Trees and shrubs growing in their natural habitat rarely show signs of stress. Thats because they naturally get all the nutrients they need from the soil they live in. 

When you buy a tree or shrub and have it installed by a professional landscaper and you plant it in your lawn or landscape bed there are many factors to determine how healthy and how big it will be. Plants need to be cared for just like your lawn to keep them big and strong. 


If you have a plant that naturally grows thousands of miles away, chances are that it won't have everything it needs to give you a beautiful outside landscape. In its natural habitat a plant or tree will have the perfect soil with a ph (acidity or basicity) that it needs to thrive. Also during the fall when plants start losing leaves plants naturally take those leaves and recycle them into nutrients they can use later in the spring to put out blooms. That means when you clean up those leaves and trow them away your taking away nutrients that plant could have used.


Tree and shrub

But thats ok!

Here at Liquid Green Lawn Solutions we understand what it takes to give your plants all the nutrients they need to survive and thrive. You don't need to leave those ugly leaves on the ground that will later cause problems for your grass by creating bare spots.

We have a fertilizer program that will specifically meet the needs for your landscape. Call now to get your low price quote.

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